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In this assignment, you will build upon the summaries that you did for the Annotated Bibliography for Unit III. Unlike the Annotated Bibliography, however, the Draft 1 of your Research Paper is more than just a summary of sources. Instead, it is a conversation between sources wherein the student author places his or her sources into a conversation about topics surrounding the issue. You will need to review at least five academic sources for this assignment. You are not restricted to the sources used in the Annotated Bibliography, but that would be a good place to start. The length of the draft should be between 3-5 pages, not including the cover page or references page.EH 1020, English Composition II 8 Elements: Your Draft 1 grade is largely based on your inclusion of several elements and the overall quality of your writing.

In this assignment, you will build upon the summaries that you did for the Annotated Bibliography for Unit III. Unlike the Annotated Bibliography, however, the Draft 1 of your Research Paper is more than just a summary of sources. Instead, it is a conversation between sources wherein the student author places his or her sources into a conversation about topics surrounding the issue. You will need to review at least five academic sources for this assignment. You are not restricted to the sources used in the Annotated Bibliography, but that would be a good place to start. The length of the draft should be between 3-5 pages, not including the cover page or references page.EH 1020, English Composition II 8 Elements: Your Draft 1 grade is largely based on your inclusion of several elements and the overall quality of your writing.
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