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Our class’s final essay assignment requires you to reflect on the contemporary relevance of ancient codes, documents, and artifacts that contributed to the evolution of our modern conception of human rights. Your essay should answer these questions:

What, according to H. Gene Blocker, are the most important historical sources for our contemporary conception of human rights? To what extent, if at all, can you identify in contemporary culture and government specific legacies of any of the ancient codes, documents, and artifacts we studied this week? Please ensure that your essay addresses each component of both assigned questions and that your answer is well-organized, uses excellent, college-level prose, and makes judicious use of textual evidence. Your essay should be 600-900 words long.

Our class’s final essay assignment requires you to reflect on the contemporary relevance of ancient codes, documents, and artifacts that contributed to the evolution of our modern conception of human rights. Your essay should answer these questions:
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