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Scenario You and your partner Steve have been on the force for some time now in fact it’s because of Steve you’re even on the force because he helped you study and ace some tough classes and test while in the academy. One day the two of you are assigned the night shift together it is there that the two of you while in the process of reminiscing about olden days and cop stories .Steve confines in you that he has a serious lack of sleep due to dealing with his son whose sick and as a result has had little to no sleep and wants to know if you can cover the calls on the radio while he take a 10 – 15 time nap. You in turn due so and use this time to take care of some pending paperwork. As the night sure passes you get a call of a disturbance .You wake up Steve to alert him who jumps up out his sleep to the call and as he gets ready to pull off forgets the amount of space behind him and hits a yellow pole causing minor damage however this is Steve’s eight accident and he has already been warned. Problem Because Steve over concerned himself with the damage to the vehicle the criminals were able to flee the scene of the crime before they got there. You decide to try to help Steve fix the damaged vehicle but advise him that he can’t cover up his crashes nor sleep on the job. You are both now being investigated by internal affairs whom have fully investigated the accident site vehicle etc even though you’ve fully denied everything knowledge of any of it even after the photos gps giving location and so forth. Question Do you feel this is the best answer to the situation do you think any bad will arise from this plan of action anything good and or bad? Respond in one page

Scenario You and your partner Steve have been on the force for some time now in fact it’s
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