Do you own a database where you keep pre-written essays?
No, we do not have such a database. All the papers you buy from our company are formulated from scratch.
What standard formatting do you apply for your custom essays?
All our academic papers appear in the standard academic format: 1-inch margins on every side, 275 words per page, 12 point Times New Roman/Arial font, double-spacing. If you require some special formatting for any of your papers, please indicate these specifications on the order page.
How can I send my case study articles to the writer?
We have an option for uploading files on the order page. From there you can add any additional/supporting documents for your paper completion. If you encounter any challenges with uploading your articles, you can contact our customer support center via phone, email or live chat and ask for help.
Can I Trust You with my Personal Information?
Yes. We are very sensitive when it comes to safeguarding the personal information of our clients. Your credit card information is safely encrypted by a Secure Socket Layer. We on our part ; never sell or transfer any of your private information to any third party.
Are Your Writers Qualified?
Our writers are efficiently skilled experts with experience n diverse academic disciplines. When you order any paper from our service, what you receiveĀ is a unique quality paper formulated from scratch. We hire native English speakers only and ensure they have the required proficiency to handle your paper effectively.